Dr.-Ing. Michael Gauding

E-Mail: m.gauding(at)itv.rwth-aachen.de
Institut für Technische Verbrennung
RWTH Aachen University
Templergraben 64
52056 Aachen
Telefon: +49 (0)241 80-94617
Telefax: +49 (0)241 80-92923
Büro: 215 (2. Etage)
Lehre: -
- T. Lehmann, L. Berger, T. L. Howarth, M. Gauding, S. Girhe, B. B. Dally and H. Pitsch. Comprehensive linear stability analysis for intrinsic instabilities in premixed ammonia/hydrogen/air flames. Combustion and Flame, vol. 273, page 113927, 2025. [DOI]
- H. Chu, L Berger, M. Gauding, S. Pieper and H. Pitsch. Interactions of preferential diffusion and mixture inhomogeneities in hydrogen and iso-octane flame kernels under engine conditions. Combustion and Flame, vol. 274, page 113991, 2025. [DOI]
- L. Berger, A. Attili, M. Gauding and Pitsch, Heinz. LES combustion model for premixed turbulent hydrogen flames with thermodiffusive instabilities: a priori and a posteriori analysis. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 1003, page A33, 2025. [DOI]
- H. Chu, L. Berger, M. Gauding, A. Attili and H. Pitsch. Effects of dilatation and turbulence on tangential strain rates in premixed hydrogen and iso-octane flames. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 981, page A5, 2024. [DOI]
- M. Gauding, T. Howarth, L. Berger, T. Lehmann and H. Pitsch. Effects of Reynolds number on thermodiffusive flame instabilities: Direct numerical simulations of turbulent hydrogen flames. The 19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, 2024.
- T. Lehmann, N. Dimidziev, T. L. Howarth, M. Gauding and H. Pitsch. Effects of Intrinsic Flame Instabilities on NOx Formation in Laminar Premixed Ammonia/Hydrogen/Air Flames. Work-in-Progress Poster, 40th International Symposium on Combustion, 2024.
- S. Nerzak, K. Niemietz, M. Vivenzo, L. Berger, T. Lehmann, M. Gauding and H. Pitsch. Numerical Analysis of Thermodiffusive Instabilities in Hydrogen Flames with LES in Jet Burner Application. In 19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, 2024.
- T. Howarth, M. Gauding, X. Wen, H. Chu, L. Berger, E. Hunt, M. Rieth, A. Aspden and H. Pitsch. Lean premixed hydrogen flames – some updates since Vancouver. Turbulent Flame Combustion Workshop, 2024.
- T. Howarth, T. Lehmann, M. Gauding and H. Pitsch. Role of enthalpy transport in premixed hydrogen flames. Premixed Turbulent Flame Workshop, 2024.
- H. Chu, L. Berger, M. Gauding, S. Pieper and H. Pitsch. Preferential diffusion effects on hydrogen and iso-octane flames in inhomogeneous mixtures. The 16th International Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Flames (TNF), July 20-21, Milan, Italy, 2024, 2024.
- A. M. Garcia, E. M. Fortes, E. J. Pérez Sánchez, D. Mira, M. Vivenzo, M. Gauding, H. Pitsch, N. Schmitz and H. Pfeifer. Evaluation of Preferential Diffusion in RANS Simulation of H2 Air Turbulent Flames with FGM Model. 19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, 2024.
- F Cameron, H. Xu, S. Nardi, S. Nerzak, J. Beeckmann, M. Gauding, Y. Ren, L Berger, B. Feller and H. Pitsch. Experimental and numerical study of the influence of fuel staging and hydrogen addition on turbulent methane flames in a lab-scale industrial burner. In 31. Deutscher Flammentag für nachhaltige Verbrennung, Berlin, 2023.
- P. E. Lapenna, M. Gauding, L. Berger, S. A. Kassar, A. Attili, G. Troiani, A. Remiddi, F. Creta and H. Pitsch. Recent advancements in understanding and modelling of intrinsically unstable Hydrogen-Air premixed flames. ERCOFTAC Bulletin, vol. 136, pages 23-30, 2023.
- H. Chu, L Berger, M. Gauding, S. Pieper and H Pitsch. Effects of equivalence ratio inhomogeneities on hydrogen and iso-octane flame kernel development under engine conditions. In 31. Deutscher Flammentag für nachhaltige Verbrennung, Berlin, 2023.
- T. Lehmann, M. Gauding, L. Berger, A. Attili and H. Pitsch. Intrinsic Flame Instabilities in Ammonia/Hydrogen Flames: Analysis of Temperature and Progress Variable. 2nd Symposium on Ammonia Energy, Orléans July 11, 2023.
- T. Lehmann, L. Berger, M. Gauding, S. Girhe, F. Creta, B. Dally and H. Pitsch. Intrinsic Flame Instabilities in Laminar Ammonia/Hydrogen Flames: Effects of Hydrogen-Fraction and Equivalence Ratio. In Proceedings of the 11th European Combustion Meeting, 2023.
- H. Chu, L. Berger, T. Grenga, M. Gauding, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. Effects of turbulence on variations in early development of hydrogen and iso-octane flame kernels under engine conditions. Combustion and Flame, vol. 255, page 112914, 2023. [DOI]
- M. Bode, M. Gauding, Z. Lian, D. Denker, M. Davidovic, K. Kleinheinz, J. Jitsev and H. Pitsch. Using physics-informed enhanced super-resolution generative adversarial networks for subfilter modeling in turbulent reactive flows. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 38 no. 2, pages 2617-2625, 2021.
- D. Denker, A. Attili, M. Gauding, K. Niemietz, M. Bode and H. Pitsch. A new modeling approach for mixture fraction statistics based on dissipation elements. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 38, pages 2681-2689, 2021. [DOI]
- D. Denker, A. Attili, J. Boschung, F. Hennig, M. Gauding, M. Bode and H. Pitsch. Dissipation element analysis of non-premixed jet flames. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 905, 12 2020. [DOI]
- M. Gauding, D. Denker, Y. Brahami, M. Bode, E. Varea and L. Danaila. A non-local analysis of strong fluctuations in non-premixed turbulent jet flames. In 11th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, March 24th - 27th, Pasadena, California, US, 2019.
- M. Gauding, Y. Brahami, L. Danaila, E. Varea, D. Denker and M. Bode. The effect of external intermittency on the self-similarity of reactive and non-reactive turbulent jet flows. In VAVIDEN Workshop (Variable Viscosity and Density Flows Workshop), June 27th - 28th, Rouen, France, 2019.
- D. Denker, A. Attili, M. Bode, M. Gauding and H. Pitsch. Dissipation Element Analysis of Turbulent Non-Premixed Jet Flames. In VAVIDEN Workshop (Variable Viscosity and Density Flows Workshop), June 27th - 28th, Rouen, France, 2019.
- D. Denker, A. Attili, S. Luca, F. Bisetti, M. Gauding and H. Pitsch. Dissipation Element Analysis of Turbulent Premixed Jet Flames. Combustion Science and Technology, vol. 191, pages 1-16, 2019. [DOI]
- M. Bode, M. Gauding, K. Kleinheinz and H. Pitsch. Modeling turbulent/reactive flows using high performance computing data and deep learning. In ISC High Performance, June 16th – 20th, Frankfurt, Germany, 2019.
- M. Bode, M. Gauding, J.H. Göbbert, B. Liao, J. Jitsev and H. Pitsch. Towards Prediction of Turbulent Flows at High Reynolds Numbers Using High Performance Computing Data and Deep Learning. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 11203, 2018.
- M. Bode, M. Gauding, J.H. Göbbert and H. Pitsch. Using deep learning for prediction of turbulent flow statistics at high Reynolds numbers. In APS DFD, November 18th-20th, Atlanta, USA, 2018.
Offene Stellen/Arbeiten
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