Passive scalar interface in a spatially evolving mixing layer (A. Attili and D. Denker)

Quartz nozzle sampling (D. Felsmann)

Dissipation element analysis of a planar diffusion flame (D. Denker)

Turbulent/non-turbulent interface in a temporally evolving jet (D. Denker)

Dissipation elements crossing a flame front (D. Denker and B. Hentschel)

Particle laden flow (E. Varea)

Turbulent flame surface in non-premixed methane jet flame (D. Denker)

DNS of primary break up (M. Bode)

Diffusion flame in a slot Bunsen burner (S. Kruse)

Various quantities in spatially evolving jet diffusion flame (D. Denker)

OH layer in a turbulent wall bounded flame (K. Niemietz)

Avijit Saha, M. Sc.


              Institut für Technische Verbrennung
              RWTH Aachen University
              Templergraben 64
              52056 Aachen

  Telefon: +49 (0)241 80-94633
  Telefax: +49 (0)241 80-92923

  Büro:  222 (2. Etage)






Modeling of multiphaae flows with direct numerical simulations (DNS) and large eddy simulations (LES), development and analysis of reduced order model for droplets and sprays, modelling of bubble dynamics in superheated liquid, modeling of combustion instabilities, and model applications to automotive engines and spacecraft engiens.



  • Regenerative Brennstoffe/Energy from Biofuels (September 2018 - March 2022)


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