Avijit Saha, M. Sc.
E-Mail: a.saha@itv.rwth-aachen.de Adresse: Telefon: +49 (0)241 80-94633 Büro: 222 (2. Etage) |
Modeling of multiphaae flows with direct numerical simulations (DNS) and large eddy simulations (LES), development and analysis of reduced order model for droplets and sprays, modelling of bubble dynamics in superheated liquid, modeling of combustion instabilities, and model applications to automotive engines and spacecraft engiens.
- Regenerative Brennstoffe/Energy from Biofuels (September 2018 - March 2022)
Offene Stellen/Arbeiten
Masterarbeit / HiWi:
- Numerical Modeling of Multicomponent Single Droplet Flash Boiling Behavior at Low Ambient Pressure
- A Reduced-Order Model for Multiphase Simulation of Inert Multicomponent Sprays in the Context of Compression Ignition Engines
- Scaling Analysis of Inert Sprays in the Context of Compression Ignition Engines
- Development of a Non-Equilibrium-Based Multifluid Framework for Simulating Flash-Boiling Spray (Position Filled)
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Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter
Mechanische Werkstatt
Elektronische Werkstatt