Maximilian Hellmuth, M. Sc.

E-Mail: m.hellmuth(at) Adresse: Telefon: +49 (0)241 80-91809 Büro: 209 (2. Etage) |
- Untersuchung von Verbrennungseigenschaften und der Rußbildung von neuartigen Bio-Hybrid-Kraftstoffen im Rahmen des Excellenzclusters "The Fuel Science Center"
- Anwendung der Gaschromatographie mit Massenspektrometrie-Kopplung (GC-MS) zur Identifizierung und Quantifizierung von gasförmigen Rußvorläufern in Diffusionsflammen eines Gegenstrombrenners
- Einsatz eines Scanning Mobility Particle Sizers (SMPS) zur Bestimmung der Partikelgrößenverteilung in Diffusionsflammen eines Gegenstrombrenners
- Messung von Zündverzugszeiten in einem laminaren Strömungsreaktor gekoppelt mit einem GC-MS zur Speziesanalyse
- Erforschung der Grundlagen im Bereich der Ionenstromdetektion in Gas-Brennwert-Geräten
- Thermodynamik I (CES)
Weitere Aufgaben:
- Strahlenschutzbeauftragter
- M. Hellmuth, S. Girhe, J. Beeckmann, R. Langer and H. Pitsch. Blending effects on aromatics formation in iso-octane counterflow diffusion flames by adding dimethyl carbonate. International Sooting Flame Workshop, July 20-21, Milan, Italy, 2024.
- M. Hellmuth, B. Chen, C. Bariki, L. Cai, F. Cameron, A. Wildenberg, C. Huang, S. Faller, Y. Ren, J. Beeckmann, K. Leonhard, K. A. Heufer, N. Hansen and H. Pitsch. A Comparative Study on the Combustion Chemistry of Two Biohybrid Fuels: 1,3-Dioxane and 1,3-Dioxolane. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol. 127, pages 286-299, 2023. [DOI]
- M. Hellmuth, B. Chen, C. Bariki, L. Cai, F. Cameron, A. Wildenberg, C. Huang, S. Faller, Y. Ren, J. Beeckmann, K. Leonhard, K. A. Heufer, N. Hansen and H. Pitsch. A Comprehensive Study on the Combustion Chemistry of Two Bio-Hybrid Fuels: 1,3-Dioxolane and 1,3-Dioxane. In Proceedings of the 12th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, January 23-26, Luxor, Egypt, 2023.
- F. Cameron, Y. Ren, S. Girhe, M. Hellmuth, A. Kreischer, Q. Mao and H. Pitsch. In-situ laser diagnostic and numerical investigations of soot formation characteristics in ethylene and acetylene counterflow diffusion flames blended with dimethyl carbonate and methyl formate. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 39 no. 1, pages 1109-1118, 2023. [DOI]
- M. Hellmuth, F. Cameron, S. Faller, L. Schmueckert, B. Chen, Y. Ren and H. Pitsch. Synergistic effect on PAH and soot formation in ethylene counterflow diffusion flames by the addition of 1,3-dioxolane-a bio-hybrid fuel. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 39 no. 1, pages 899-908, 2023. [DOI]
- E. L. Mudimu, W. A. Kopp, F. Schmalz, M. Hellmuth, S. Girhe, A. Wildenberg, A. Heufer and H. Pitsch. ChemTraYzer: A Novel Tool for Reaction Mechanism Exploration Applied to Low-Temperature Ignition and Soot Precursor Formation of Bio-Hybrid Fuels. 11th International Conference of the Cluster of Excellence “The Fuel Science Center", Aachen, 2023.
- B. Chen, M. Hellmuth, S. Faller, L May, P. Liu, L Cai, W. L. Roberts and H. Pitsch. Exploring the Combustion Chemistry of Anisole in Laminar Counterflow Diffusion-Flames Under Oxy-Fuel Conditions. Combustion and Flame, vol. 243, page 111929, 2022. [DOI]
- M. Hellmuth, B. Chen, C. Bariki, L. Cai, F. Cameron, A. Wildenberg, C. Huang, S. Faller, Y. Ren, J. Beeckmann, K. Leonhard, K. A. Heufer, N. Hansen and H. Pitsch. Characterization of Low-Emission Transportation Fuels from Molecular Design. 6th International Sooting Flame (ISF) Workshop, July 22-23, Vancouver, Canada, 2022.
- A. Wildenberg, M. Döntgen, I. Roy, M. Hellmuth, C. Bariki, C. Huang, K. Leonhard, J. Beeckmann, H. Pitsch and K. A. Heufer. New insights in the combustion behavior of 1,3-Dioxolane. In 9th International Conference “Fuel Science – From Production to Propulsion”, June 22-24, Aachen (Germany), 2021.
- M. Hellmuth, R. Langer, B. Chen, M. Plümke and H. Pitsch. Impact factors on ion current for premixed laminar CH4-fuel blends. In Proceedings of the 10th European Combustion Meeting, April 14-15, Naples (Italy) / Online, 2021.
- M. Hellmuth, J. Hinrichs, F. Meyer, S. Kruse, M. Plümke and H. Pitsch. Investigation of nitric oxide formation in methane, methane/propane, and methane/hydrogen flames under condensing gas boiler conditions. In 30. Deutscher Flammentag, September 28-29, Hannover (Germany) / Online, 2021.
- J. Hinrichs, M. Hellmuth, F. Meyer, S. Kruse, M. Plümke and H. Pitsch. Investigation of nitric oxide formation in methane, methane/propane, and methane/hydrogen flames under condensing gas boiler conditions. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, vol. 5, page 100014, 2021. [DOI]
- B. Chen, M. Hellmuth, S. Faller, L. May, P. Liu, W. Roberts and H. Pitsch. Exploring the combustion chemistry of anisole in laminar counterflow diffusion-flames under oxy-fuel conditions. In 30. Deutscher Flammentag, September 28-29, Hannover (Germany) / Online, 2021.
- M. Hellmuth, A. Wildenberg, C. Huang, L. Cai, B. Chen, S. Kruse, C. Bariki, J. Beeckmann, K. Leonhard, K.A. Heufer, N. Hansen and H. Pitsch. Exploring the combustion chemistry of 1,3-dioxane and 1,3-dioxolane - future generation bio-hybrid fuels. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference “Fuel Science – From Production to Propulsion", June 23-25, Aachen, Germany, 2020.
- M. Hellmuth, S. Kruse, Y. Ren, J. Hinrichs, M. Plümke, J. Beeckmann and H. Pitsch. Investigation of NOx emission for different laminar premixed CH4-fuel blends stabilized on a flat-flame burner. In Proceedings of the 9th European Combustion Meeting, April 14-17, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.
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