Abhishek Khetan, Dr. Ing, Junior Professor | MODES

E-Mail:  askhetan(at)modes.rwth-aachen.de

                 The Fuel Science Center
                 RWTH Aachen University

                 Schinkelstraße 8
                 52062 Aachen, Germany

Telefon: +49 241 80 98371

Büro: 208


Forschung - Electrochemistry and Catalysis

  • Low Temperature Fuel Cells
  • Li-Air Batteries
  • Catalysts for Exhaust Gas Purification

Offene Stellen / Arbeiten

  • SCR on Zeolites - Simulation of IR Spectroscopy and Reaction Thermodynamics.
  • High Temperature Phase Stability of Perovskites - Simulation of Lattice Dynamics
  • Ionic Solvation in Electrolytes - Simulation of Solvate Structure and Electronic Energy Levels.

I use tools from computational chemistry and statistical physics to simulate and predict phenomena at the molecular scale. The basic requirements:

--Knowledge of undergraduate level thermodynamics + mathematics
--Very basic skills in Matlab, Python, etc
--Readiness to learn new simulation software and theoretical analysis techniques

I offer Master/Bachelor thesis and HiWi jobs as well. A duration of 6 months can be expected.

Bei Interesse an Projekt-, Bachelor-, Master-, Diplomarbeiten / Hiwistellen anrufen, eine E-Mail schicken oder persönlich vorbeikommen. Abhängig von den Interessen und Vorkenntnissen kann ein individueller Themenvorschlag gemacht werden.